Friday, August 12, 2016

Welcome to KG-B!

Hello and welcome to KG-B's blog! We hope you find this platform helpful in providing a glimpse into our daily happenings, as well as a means through which to share information.

Because information will be shared on a regular basis primarily through this blog, I highly recommend that the first thing you do is scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address into the bar titled "Email Notifications". It should look like this:

Your email will not be shared with anyone; this simply allows you to easily see when I have posted something new as the post will show up in your inbox. At the end of the year you can very easily unsubscribe from our blog.

Expect to see updates on our blog regularly, and expect to see a posting of our first week (of course containing photos!) coming very soon. Thank you for sharing your children with us this year!

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