Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Field Trip

Last week we had the wonderful opportunity of visiting Central Printing Press.

This visit provided the opportunity to see how books, magazines and brochures are published. We are 'publishing' all kinds of books in our classroom, and having the opportunity to see an official publishing company was quite the experience. We were amazed to see the many machines and people that work to make the things we see on our shelves everyday. If your child hasn't already told you all about this experience, please encourage him/her to do so! You can take your child on a "walk through the pictures" so that he/she can describe things of interest. Take a look:

To view all field trip photos, visit our Flickr album

We took some time to reflect on this experience the following day. We noted what we saw, what we learned, and what our favorite part of the field trip was. Take a moment to look and listen to one example:

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