Thursday, September 8, 2016

Important Notes

Important Notes

Beginning Tuesday we will have a slightly different dismissal routine. This is to help with the congestion and confusion the school is experiencing after school in the pick-up area. 
You will find our class on the basketball court in the same general place, but your child has a job to do before heading home.  S/he will be wearing a clothespin attached to her/his shirt or jacket. Instead of simply waving goodbye as has been done until now, s/he must come give the clothespin to myself or Wintana when the responsible party has arrived to take her/him home. If your child leaves without returning the clothespin, we will be calling to ensure s/he is with the appropriate person and not lost. As always, all children must be picked up on the basketball court and not at the classroom or along our route. The only exception to this will be if it is a very rainy day, and in that case an announcement will be made school-wide asking that children be picked up in their classrooms. Please remember that dismissal is at 3:20 daily, except Wednesdays when early release happens at 2:00. Please ensure you are on time to pick up your child.

**Additionally, please send me an email as soon as you are able with a comprehensive list of adults with whom your child is allowed to go home.**

Field Trip:
Your child came home today with a permission slip to join the class on a field trip to a printing press next Thursday. Our current unit of inquiry is about sharing ideas through literacy, so the purpose of this field trip is to provide students with an opportunity to see the “behind the scenes” of publishing and printing. Please sign the form and ask your child to bring it back to school as soon as possible.

No School Monday:
Eid falls on Monday, so please note the change on your calendar as we will have no school Monday, but will on Tuesday. On Tuesday we will be on rotation 1. Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating!

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