Friday, September 9, 2016

Patterns & iPads

We are just beginning our exploration into patterns and we began by exploring our natural world. We learned that a pattern is when something repeats, and we were amazed to see that our world is full of patterns!

Our iPads are becoming our good friends in helping us document our learning. We used them today to take pictures of all the patterns we saw around school. We will come back to these photos over and over again throughout our pattern journey. This lesson was double fold as not only did our hunt involve pattern identification, but it also provided us the opportunity to practice taking quality photos with the iPads. This is important for us as we will be documenting our learning a lot throughout the year through the use of the iPads. In being able to do this independently we will be better able to make choices and take ownership of what learning experiences we would like to document and put into our portfolios. It also allows us to be able to share our learning with a wider audience. As the year progresses we will learn apps that can help us capture our thinking as we reflect on our learning.

Created with flickr slideshow.

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