Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Yesterday was Meskel in Ethiopia, and we learned about and celebrated this holiday in school on Friday. We began our day by attending a play put on by all third grade classes. They taught us the history behind Meskel and we learned a bit about Ethiopia's history. Their singing and acting was quite impressive. I have added several videos to the link below, so if you missed the performance please take a moment to view them!

Kindergarten followed the play by celebrating with our own coffee ceremony, put on by our very own KG teaching assistants. We enjoyed popcorn, bread, and the aromas of coffee and incense. We also enjoyed traditional music and learned some Ethiopian dance moves.

After our coffee ceremony we joined the whole school for the lighting of the demera, which commemorates the legend of Queen Helena and the finding of the true cross. This celebration was a wonderful way to learn more about our host country and provided a rich cultural experience for us all. Please take some time to go through the following pictures with your child.

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