Friday, September 30, 2016

New Unit of Inquiry!

We have just begun a new unit of inquiry in kindergarten, and throughout the weeks ahead we will be exploring what it means to be human through the Primary Years Program (PYP) transdisciplinary theme "Who We Are".

The central idea for this unit is "We explore the world with our bodies". We will be looking at how our bodies help us learn and discover new things, and the senses will play a large role in our learning.

As a provocation to heighten interest in our new unit and encourage questioning and thought, a number of items were placed throughout the room. The only direction we were given was to explore the items.

After spending time closely examining the items, we gathered together and used words to explain what we noticed. These words were charted so we all could see:

The next day we revisited our words and looked at pictures of ourselves exploring the items on the table. We used our mathematical knowledge of sorting to put them into groups that made sense. At this time we were given no knowledge or explanation of the basic five senses, but we naturally grouped them that way:

Our end product resulted in this:

We will be using this as a stepping stone into the senses and how we use our bodies to explore the world. As we continue on our journey through this unit we will begin labeling these groups with the sense that each group depicts and which body part(s) we use with each sense. We will keep you posted on our ongoing discoveries and inquiries!

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